If you pay attention to the world we live in today, you will know that cosmetic products, especially makeup, have a moving market. The market consists of both male and female consumers. Almost every home in America has one or two cosmetic brands. But not all brands offer products that won’t harm our skins. For this reason, people are shifting towards organic makeup and products that contain natural ingredients good for the body.
There is nothing wrong with having makeup in your everyday beauty routine. It is natural for people to wear makeup now and use cosmetic products because they have benefits that help the skin. But some of these products contain synthetic chemical ingredients that can harm the body if used too much or consistently.
An alternative arose from the need to create healthier and safer products. Then the world turned to organic ingredients. Makeup brands with products like foundation, powder, lip liner, eyeshadow, lipstick, concealer are slowly changing the composition of the products to include organic ingredients.
Organic makeup has been slowly increasing in popularity, especially in the past decade. Organic cosmetics consist of makeup products made from organic or natural ingredients. They are not only good for the skin but also for the environment.
If you are concerned about those two things above, then the organic makeup is for you. And this article will walk you through all you need to know about organic makeup.
Shopping Guide

Before you buy any product, whether organic or not, you have to know what you want to gain from such products. Going organic is a choice you have to make on your own. If you are new to the concept and don’t know what you should aim to look for, this article will give you relevant information to help you streamline your buying choice.
What is organic makeup?
Organic makeup is a product produced through an organic process with natural ingredients like plants and organic sources. They are products that consist of at least 95% organic ingredients or ingredients with natural origin. Also, at least 5% of the total ingredients must come from organic farming and must represent at least 50% of all of the plant-based ingredients.
The organic ingredients found in the makeup products must also be certified by an organic certifying body. The standard of the body defines the criteria in which to call a product organic.
There are several certification programs available in the U.S. like the National Organic Program (NOP), established by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the Organic and Sustainable Industry Standards (OASIS) program, established by the cosmetic industry.
What also makes organic makeup different is that the products do not contain animal byproducts, neither are they tested or experimented on animals during the development phase of production. That means organic brands value the health of humans, animals, and the environment in general.
Is there a difference between organic, natural, and eco cosmetics?
When it comes to organic makeup, adjective words like ‘natural’, ‘eco’, ‘bio’, or ‘ecological’ are also mixed with the concept. These terms are synonymous with each other and only used interchangeably in different countries and also in different denominations for the certification of products.
At least 5% of total ingredients must come from organic farming when it comes to natural ingredients used in the formula. The adjectives are interchangeably used to represent the type of end product created from the natural ingredients. These end products do not contain harmful or chemical substances. Also, they are grown without the use of transgenic ingredients.
Why are organic makeup products recommended?
When it comes to organic makeup products and cosmetics in general, there is a lot of emphasis on the use of natural ingredients with natural origins. This means the products will greatly benefit the health of your skin and body.
For example, the metal or synthetic chemical ingredients present in conventional makeup are not present in organic makeup. These two conventional ingredients have the effect of piling on the body easily, becoming a potential risk for users. Organic makeup does not contain petroleum-produced components.
Furthermore, parabens used as a preservative in conventional makeup do not exist in organic makeup. Also, synthetic aromas that change the natural chemistry of the body are non-existent in the organic formula. This makes the products the right choice for sensitive skins.
Our skins are able to breathe easily without these properties in the composition. This reduces the appearance of breakouts. Those who have physiological and hormonal fluctuations with conventional makeup products can rest assured that it would be minimized with natural cosmetics.
You can rest assured that we are preserving not only our skin and health with natural products, we also preserving the environment, the integrity of nature, and of all living beings within nature.
Is organic makeup as effective as conventional makeup?

If you are switching to organic makeup, this will be a burning question for you. This is because you need assurance that you would be getting the same quality as the conventional makeup. To answer the question, yes, organic makeup is as effective as conventional makeup.
There are some that assure that organic makeup is superior to conventional makeup in some aspects. A reason behind this notion is that organic products contain a greater concentration of active ingredients while lacking the additives or chemical substances that are present in traditional makeup.
This fact makes organic makeup products more effective and also safer to use than their conventional counterparts. But you should note that the coverage and effectiveness of organic products depend greatly on their formulation, concentration of active ingredients, and how frequently you use them.
Will I get allergic reactions from organic makeup products?
Some chemicals present in conventional makeup can cause irritation and also allergic reactions. Ingredients like silicones, parabens, and artificial fragrance in conventional makeup are not present in organic makeup. This means the likelihood of skin conditions being aggravated by organic products is low.
There is no 100% guarantee of organic products not causing allergies or sensitivities to the body. As you know there are different skin types and textures. This means some people might react negatively to organic ingredients while others might not.
The bottom line is to check if the components of the makeup product don’t contain any allergens you react to. You can also test the product on your hands before using it on your face.
Is organic makeup easy to apply?

Organic makeup is as effective as conventional makeup, therefore you can put aside the misconception that they aren’t. They only have different compositions but they work the same function, to make you look beautiful. Their application is the same as the conventional makeup.
Organic cosmetics are natural based ingredients. They have altercations in smells, textures, and characteristics of the products. This should not be misunderstood as the product being ineffective, rather, it should be seen as its selling point. If the characteristics of an organic product are not there, that means it is not completely natural.
Also, the textures, smell, and consistency of organic cosmetics are what make them effective and pleasant to use because of their benefits.
Does organic makeup expire quickly?
You don’t need to worry about the preservation of organic makeup. Yes, they do not contain artificial properties that would preserve them for a long time but there are alternative natural ingredients that would do the job just fine. These ingredients have been ethically derived and produced so as to maintain the quality of the makeup products.
Before organic cosmetics are sold, they have to be certified by organizations with a list of compounds permitted to be called organic. So the preservative properties have been tested and trusted by the regulating body before they can be used.
Also, manufacturing companies of organic makeup can replace preservatives with a combination of essential oils and vacuum packaging. This allows for the optimum preservation of the makeup products and also preventing fast degradation.
You can use essential oil for many things. Find out the 4 ways to use essential oil.
Are organic makeup products more expensive than conventional makeup?
Organic products are made from organically cultivated plant-based sources, but this doesn’t affect their prices. This is not always the case. There is a wide range of quality and price when it comes to organic makeup products.
There are natural makeup brands that offer a high price for their products and there are some that are within your budget, just like with conventional products. But in all, the prices of both types of products are within everyone’s reach.
What are the pros and cons of organic makeup?

To fully understand what you are getting, you have to know the pros and cons of organic makeup. We know that organic products are made from natural ingredients, which makes them beneficial to skin health and the body. The products are also ideal for people with sensitive skin, as lots of artificial ingredients are not present in them.
With the toxic compounds present in conventional makeup, our skin is bound to react to the side effects of using the product in the long run. It will also cause harmful substances to penetrate your skin easily. But this is not the case with organic makeup.
Also, organic makeup offers a more natural finish than traditional makeup. This is because the pigments they offer are more subtle and refined. Natural ingredients offer better hydration of the skin. To top it off, they have healing qualities due to their natural components. And their nourishing and regeneration capabilities are far greater.
Organic makeup products have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties included in them. The manufacturing of organic products is strictly regulated by official bodies. And with this the products are environmentally-friendly. Also, there is a guaranteed noninvolvement of animals as test subjects.
One of the drawbacks of organic makeup products is that there are no laws that regulate the requirements of producing these cosmetics. This means manufacturers’ words have to be taken when they say their products are “all-natural”.
Furthermore, there are still some people who have allergic reactions to organic products even with their natural components. Some might be allergic to the natural ingredients or components of the products or their skin is intolerant to natural compounds.
Which I better – organic or conventional makeup products?
The major difference that distinguishes organic makeup from conventional products is its composition. As you know, there is a wide range of chemical compounds present to help give a nice texture and aroma in traditional cosmetics, including their preservation properties. These compounds might in the long run cause a risk to skin and body health with continuous use.
For instance, silicone helps the skin to stay soft and shiny but in the long term, it could clog the pores and glands. This causes the skin to become dry and brittle. It also prevents it from breathing.
Organic cosmetics on the other hand have ingredients that will promote skin health. The ingredients will not only protect the skin but will also heal and hydrate the skin, letting it breathe freely. They also have no toxic compounds or artificial preservatives.
While conventional cosmetics contain non-environmental-friendly properties and their manufacturing process, organic cosmetics are environmentally friendly in properties and their manufacturing process. Also, you can rest assured that there is no animal testing carried out with organic products. This is uncertain with conventional cosmetics.
Shopping Criteria
Before you buy your organic makeup, you have to consider some factors before making your purchase. These factors will influence your final buying choice and brand.

As mentioned before, there is no legislation to determine the requirements that must be met by natural cosmetic companies. There is no way to find out whether their products are as natural as they claim. This blotch in the natural cosmetic market makes it easy for companies to take advantage of the fast-growing market to make a profit.
So how do you determine an organic product is authentic? You look for their seal that acts as proof of certification. This is one way to guarantee the authenticity of the company and the product you wish to buy.
With the rise of organic products in the beauty market, there are also varying prices between the products. You have to know how to get the price-quality ratio right when choosing the product that suits you and is within your budget. Do keep in mind that not all pricy products offer what you need or are the best of the lot.
When purchasing your organic makeup, you have to carefully read the list of ingredients on the label. This is essential because of cases of allergies or intolerances. Always double-check before you buy. The product you decide on must also not contain chemicals or toxins that are harmful to the body.
Product characteristics
Though natural cosmetics offer many benefits, you shouldn’t buy a product solely because it says it is organic. You should always stay alert by asking yourself what it is you want to get from the cosmetic product, and how it bests suits your needs. For instance, your preference for a matte or glossy finish, light or thick consistency will help you determine what suits you.
Organic cosmetics have become increasingly popular in the American market. And this is because they offer natural ingredients to their consumers. Organic makeup has many benefits to the skin. Not only will it keep your skin and body healthy, but it will also hydrate it and keep it fresh.
You have to be keep in mind that the products do not guarantee freedom from allergic reaction and irritation. you can experience these but to a minimum level. And organic makeup is environmental-friendly. So if you have sensitive skin, want to switch to a product that doesn’t harm nature, then the organic makeup is for you.
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